Thursday, November 18, 2010

Dust and the Lies.

Why there so many lies in this world ?
even dalam hal yg kecik pon , mesti ade.
hal-hal besar apetah lagi.
Well , bila dah ade kuasa kan , sng jer.

So , aku still dalam mood raya.
well , esk tolong org sembelih lembu.
future nti , giliran aku plak sembelih lembu.
besar tanggungjawab tuh.
so , if tak blaja dari skg , bile lg nak blaja kann.

seriously , aku mmg dah tawar hati nak study nih.
lot of pressure. kdg kdg sistem pembelajaran kt sesetengah IPTA nih merunsingkan fikiran pelajar.
bkn aku nak mempertikaikan or nak againts sistem dorg , just aku rase ade care yg mudah utk teach student. aku tak tau care ape.
if aku tau , dah lme aku mention (:
if aku sem 1 or 2 skg nih , sriusly mmg aku dah quit blaja dah.
nvm lah. mls nk cite psl nih. lets time decide.

how trying to put my trust in u , its realy take so much out of me.
ahhh , everything look differents now -.-
cant expect anything from it.
just have a lil faith.
there must be reason behind this thing i'm looking foward to know bout that.
and i extremely believe , i make a right move. cant wait for that day.

be thankful to ALLAH who stil give me a chance to breath , see this wonder and live in this awesome living space.
Syukur Alhamdullilah (:

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